This is a brilliant article and a MUST READ. Thanks for posting, Hamish. Finding sustainable income from FOSS development is one of my driving forces. The concerns expressed in that article have been with me for a long time, and are among the reasons why I spend a ton of time volunteeering, advocating and doing community work, rather than deep-diving into code projects (which, really, I would rather do).
Here on the Fediverse, I feel, we have greater opportunities to build flourishing initiatives in that regard than we have at other places.
Yep our #mainstreaming bloggers have been pushing false history for years he is calling them out.
Likely to get crucified, so support is good, and try and get him off the cross before he is stabbed with the spear, and they rub the vinegar into the wounds
#mainstreaming people are nasty when defending their safe illusions.
Had a catch-up, was not as negative as I thought it would be, think the blogger history buffs are not on the fedivers.
Yet, in that thread too, while there’s plenty problem analysis, there’s only little solution-focus coming into the picture. This makes these discussions TL;DR for many people, leaving them with a “been there, done that” hopeless feeling, without reading the bright spots and broadening these out.
(This is a general rant/gripe of mine, which I see everywhere, like also in Humane Tech Community: this is bad, that is evil… but what is the right way, and how do we get there? I miss that solution perspective very often. Btw, with climate activists this issue is also very prevalent).
Well, you don’t hear me arguing for “technical solutions”. I mentioned “solutions” i.e. stuff that addressess social issues. How tech plays a role in supporting a solution is an implementation detail, and part of the elaboration.