Standards/FEP forum permissions

Please request membership first → @fep.hosts

Moved topics redirect to the new ones. Once they are deleted, they turn into permalinks – or so did they until now.

There is no automation yet. There is documentation and follow up. But now that there is a stable Git repository, maybe we can think of using the Codeberg API and the Discourse API to automate the process:

  1. Watch changes to the feps repository
  2. When a pull request is made for a new FEP, create a draft topic in #standards:fep and add the link to the FEP Index
  3. When the pull request is merged into the main branch, update topic’s first post with the content of the FEP – changing authors with their local @handle.
  4. When the FEP status is made final, update the content with latest version, retag and publish the topic, and update the FEP Index.

Hopefully this is a weekend project to implement.

Yes, only the FINAL versions should be published. (And watched for changes)

Ah, this is annoying. If you know which links are broken, I can restore them using the permalinks feature. Sharing a specific #fep-abcd tag would avoid broken links to topics, but not posts.

This is why creating a topic with edition of the first post in mind is important, since changing contents there makes it more stable (no link change) and usable (page publishing feature).