The ActivityPub test suite

Just to mention it The tests in /tests should do actual http · Issue #5 · HelgeKrueger/bovine · GitHub would solve the Test Suite problem. The tests currently have enough coverage that once they pass, I can deploy to and everything works. When issues arise, I add tests.

Of course, if one looks for example at bovine/ at df9878875fade515a2252bf0377f2ab383852b37 · HelgeKrueger/bovine · GitHub

One sees that there are lots of issues with trying to extend this to other platforms. The entire code relying on mocks need to be abstracted to use real servers.

The Labels link to bovine/ at df9878875fade515a2252bf0377f2ab383852b37 · HelgeKrueger/bovine · GitHub That label should probably be Retrieving Objects. As I said, there are lots of small issues.

Finally My current understanding is that there never was a test suite for Server To Server, which is the case most people care about. I’ll be very happy to be proven wrong.