Votes on Question activities

When a Question activity is posted and you select one of the options, what then happens in terms of the protocol? What is the expected ActivityPub representation of a vote on a Question?

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Mastodon does the following checks on Create Note to identify poll votes: mastodon/create.rb at cff7d967f97b5119f9cf68f84973a8e36ec9d7c6 · mastodon/mastodon · GitHub

return false if

|| replied_to_status.preloadable_poll.nil?
|| !replied_to_status.local?
|| !replied_to_status.preloadable_poll.options.include?(@object['name'])

So the requirements are like so, according to Mastodon:

  • Create Note
  • inReplyTo exists
  • inReplyTo is a status that is a poll
  • inReplyTo is local
  • inReplyTo’s poll includes an option equivalent to name

Here is how Mastodon serializes votes: mastodon/vote_serializer.rb at cff7d967f97b5119f9cf68f84973a8e36ec9d7c6 · mastodon/mastodon · GitHub

id: ...
type: Note
name: <the exact text of the poll option>
inreplyTo: <some status that is a poll>
attributedTo: <you>
to: <the poll maker>

Tangentially, here is Mastodon’s poll parser: mastodon/poll_parser.rb at cff7d967f97b5119f9cf68f84973a8e36ec9d7c6 · mastodon/mastodon · GitHub

Note that Mastodon does not use Question as an activity, but rather, as an object. So Mastodon will send out and expect Create Question.


If it’s addressed to the poll maker then does this make it similar to them receiving a DM?

it should be like a DM, yes

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