What if the Evan's ActivityPub book had been written on the SocialHub?

Continuing the discussion from SocialWebFoundation - what do people think?:

This may be a tongue-in-cheek question, but I would bet that writing a book together here on the SocialHub might be an interesting thing to do. Certainly, the Guide for new ActivityPub implementers would be a chapter, and I’m sure many people here would have interesting things to tell not only about the specifications, but the processes we’ve been building and using here over the years, with all the ups and downs of steering a collective endeavor where everyone likes to disagree with each other, yet keep talking and trying to figure things out for interoperability… That certainly sounds like an internet engineering effort where widely different people gather and find ways to keep sitting at the same table fighting over political views of technical development – oh yes, I can see not everyone likes to talk about politics, until the politics invites itself to your table with heavy boots and a loud voice.

So, instead of just criticizing the funny way the Social Web Foundation appeared with Meta and Threads.net everywhere on it (read Tom Coates telling the founding story, or notice the redundancy of SWF Fediverse presence on its self-hosted instance :raised_hands: and on the Master’s service :frowning_with_open_mouth:…), let’s do it sideways:

  1. Read @eprodrom’s book and comment
  2. Discuss what chapters could be added…

Enjoy! Maybe we’re about to release a Synware book

Wow, this feels very mean and personal.

I’d be happy if there were more books about ActivityPub, and I hope you write one.

Please take my name off this topic and find a way to frame it so it’s not a personal attack on me.