With the #mainstreaming influx, increasing number of #openweb events are run on #dotcons platforms

With the #mainstreaming influx, there are increasing #openweb events run on #dotcons platforms, for example https://qiqochat.com/about from these guys FediForum Tickets, Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 8:00 AM | Eventbrite

In the #Fediverse we have a good history of using #4opens tools like #BBB https://bigbluebutton.org/ as it is native, not alien to WHY and HOW we do things. Can understand coming in from the #fashernista and #NGO agenda is a learning curve, good to try to be native to the space you would like to be a part of, it’s a needed step to take.

We could use this space to talk about these issues.

I find it concerning but not too surprising that one of their topics is

Empower authors to control use of their content (indexing, commercial use, etc.) by adopting a Rights Expression Language (e.g. W3C ODRL, Creative Commons)

although this topic is already being discussed on here and in FEP-c118. Not sure if this is someone intentionally trying to bypass the discussion, but I also assume their “decisions” will not have much power in the implementation space?