2021-04-23 Social CG meeting

The logs can be found here:

Minutes of the meeting

I stand by my point that 1 hour is to less time when we have awesome demos or important topics.

Personally, I was running out of time, so here the major points which @redaktor.me did not showcase in the demo:

  • Any webcomponent/widget only needs an ActivityPub Object to work,
    the containers (mini Preview, Card, Row, full Page) expect an Activity and any Object type has it’s own widget expecting, well, an Object … These are fully responsive (was width: 50%; in demo), have noJS fallbacks and adapt to the Container

  • Any webcomponent/widget is Themed !!! You can easily create your CSS theme to use them in your client. They can look nearly as diverse as nature is.
    The aspects (called Design Tokens) like Typo or Colors which I demoed at the beginning can help you to create themes.
    And the widgets come whith Variants like flat, filled, raised, shaped so that the food is varied.

  • Themes have dark/light. You can always change to the light theme but I only showed the dark one.

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