Could Inbox and Outbox be Microservices?

In light of the recent discussions on linked data here and on Solid forum here, I’d like to highlight some things I say in my last 2 comments on solid forum in [1] and [2] (no need to read, they are long). They relate to Interoperable serendipity by Noel de Martin.

And that is that unless you focus both on the processes and on the social aspects of software development and in a broader sense of the entire ecosystem, you will end up in a situation of what I call Ad-Hoc Interoperability. That happens to be where the Fediverse is now. It is where everyone just bolts on extensions they need for their app, but don’t the take the time to make those easily accessible for others to reuse. And making broadscale interoperability a bit harder with every such extension that goes into production.

I am a big believer of the conceptual idea behind this Microservices initiative, namely a focus on further modularization, a breakdown of apps into separately reusable modules and services. We have a number of such frameworks already with Bonfire, Go-Fed, SemApps etc. But without processes and social activity they will all be used to practice ad-hoc interoperability within their own ecosystem.

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