Developers Meeting 7 : A standard way to query in ActivityPub

Well, I would wish, I could just replay the February meeting.
The main reason we stopped naming people and recording meetings was GDPR because it was not clear some time what is a valid recording and if it is enough if anyone agrees per audio (probably not)

Also there are so many misconceptions occurring each day again.
E.g. an example from today Sebastian Lasse: " @caesar@i…" - but anywhere in the whole linked data world anything is a Set or Array by default and not 1 value. Exactly like all specifications and all the experts say all the time Linked Data: Undersold, Overpromised? - #2 by melvincarvalho

I would like to speak about concrete and real used things which are not working.
For me these are 3 things in the protocol

  • we have currently 5 implementations all using a different inReplyToPolicy
  • we need to use the as:context and as:result properties
  • we need to describe potential resulting Actions of Objects

These were also the things which were argued and did not make it to the spec.
But all the discussion about it is public and can be read in the W3C wiki.

However, holidays now and inviting anyone to write proposals for cause it is near :slight_smile: FEDICAMP 2022 – CALL FOR PROPOSALS