Federated SocialHub Categories

SocialHub admins can federate categories, making categories accessible in the fediverse. This is an overview of current ActivityPub actors that you can follow and participate in from the Fediverse.

SocialHub Category ActivityPub Actor @socialhub.activitypub.rocks Settings
ActivityPub @protocol@... Full topic as Notes
Client to Server @proto-c2s@... Full topic as Notes
Server to Server @proto-s2s@... Full topic as Notes
Fediverse Enhancement Proposals @feps@... Full topic as Notes
Community @community@... Full topic as Notes

You may find federation information in each federated category on the tools line:

Please reply to this topic:

  • to request more ActivityPub actors
  • to correct something in the above table
  • to report on your experience using these actors

This might be related, but we should probably reset all the client credentials for Mastodon servers, since they may have been revoked (like with Hachyderm) which causes an error connecting your SocialHub and Mastodon accounts. v4.3.0 and v4.2.9 removed the code that was causing OAuth Applications to be deleted (which left client applications in a broken state)

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@angus how can we do that?

I’m testing and noticed that Discourse uses (expires) in its signatures. That might cause problems for at least me. See #217 - Ensure (expires) works in HTTP Signature - bovine/bovine - Codeberg.org

Also ignore my follow, it currently cannot be processed.

Question: Is there some explainer behind the “publishing” indicator at the top right? The one on this post is green, whereas the others are gray.

I think it’s because the previous attempts to send the posts to federation failed, and your post probably came after an upgrade that fixed the federation. My post should then federate cleanly as well.

Will you please consider changing the table here to have easy-to-copy-paste strings for the followable actors? It’s too much work to manually build what I need to enter into my client

(aside: I am so sad people use these completely nonstandard and non-URI ways of referring to activitypub actors when the whole spec was meant to make ‘https://’ uris followable

on the other hand, I am very excited socialhub is now followable on the fediverse. This is what we talked about at ActivityPub Conf Prague 5 years ago and it’s finally real! :slight_smile: thanks to all who made it happen

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