Fediverse, NetCommons and the blueprint for P2P society?

Welcome to the SocialHub, Piotr. You have landed in the right category indeed.

As pointed out there are movements towards support for a P2P Fediverse. This is development on the technical level, and in that you should also be aware of DREAM, where @how, admin of this forum, and @pukkamustard, of openEngiadina take part, among others. With the addition of P2P we are moving to hybrid decentralization (mixed p2p + federated), which makes the most sense as a model, imho.

But as you are referring to, there’s very much the growing societal movement that needs this technology to take further steps towards realizing this vision. There’s many people on the Fediverse aligned with these ideas, and even more people beyond the Fediverse that we need to make aware of the tech foundations we are laying here. And then there are related trends that fit right in, such as Small Technology, by Aral Balkan / Laura Kalbag and others.

In this category we are thinking about some of these concepts, and the technology that’s needed to scale them up. I’ve written the Spiral Island analogy to describe the grassroots ways in which this occurs. We embrace people coming from more of an infrastructure background to help create solid structures that keep us afloat (I also tweeted netCommons, inviting them here).

Some interesting discussions to refer to:

With a more technical perspective:

Lotsa things to inspire. Dive right in and add your own ideas to the mix :smiley: