Hi! Nice to meet you all!
I’m titi, from the catañol (catalan & spanish) sector of the Fediverse we called “nodes ibéricos” and some of us are setting Fedi.cat I can communicate (with mistakes) in english and french too, but I’m not really comfortable with imperialistic languages… That’s why I’m learning esperanto, and I love it.
It blows your mind (like the Fedi, hehe).
I opened my first account in 2014 (RIP somsants-net; RIP quitter-se) and I was really grateful for qvitter interface. Maybe that explains why I prefer Pleroma interface (and software). I’m non-technical at all but I like to care about free culture and specially our beautiful federated ecosystems as a glocal relationships. That’s why I prefer Darius-style (50-100 people per node) than Gargron-style (vertical scalation).
I love Inkscape and the Fedi so I started a little campaing called “Katikornius” to promote good practices (as reading CoC and be nice to each other). And I love to write and I dream about a book (and then a documentary) that explains the Fedi but I would need your help to shape it. Should I start a topic about it?
Move slow & fix things!
BTW, please, send me “free links”. I’m GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft) alergic. Thank you in advance