RDF-DEV Community Group working on EasierRDF and RDF-star open standards

Megoth on the Solid forum just posted a link to this interesting W3C-related initiative:

“This repository is for experimental/exploratory work on making RDF easier to use, with the goal of making it easy enough for most developers. By “RDF” we mean the whole RDF ecosystem – including SPARQL, OWL, tools, standards, educational materials, etc. – everything that a developer touches when using RDF” […]

Guiding principles

1. The goal is to make RDF – or some RDF-based successor – easy enough for most developers, who are new to RDF, to be consistently successful.

2. Solutions may involve anything in the RDF ecosystem: standards, tools, guidance, etc. All options are on the table.

3. Backward compatibility is highly desirable, but less important than ease of use.

While the GH repo seems not too active at the moment the associated RDF-DEV Community Group is very active in a subgroup: The RDF-star Community is working on a set of extensions that among others allows bridging the gap between RDF and Named Property Graphs.