I got a lot out of the ActivityConf online event in 2020, even though the pandemic had already started to affect my capacity to participate in fediverse stuff. As I’ve said elsewhere, I suspect many of us have been busy surviving and adapting in the last 3 years. But with things calming down a bit, and especially with the surge in fediverse use over the last 6 months, it seems like a good time to regroup.
I’d love to make it another online conference, for reasons I gave in the 'verse:
Given the timing, this was held entirely online. Which was actually much cooler than trying to participate remotely in an in-person event. Videos of the talks went online in advance, so we could watch the ones we were interested in beforehand. That meant we spent all of our conference time talking to each other, rather than sitting silently listening to one person speak for an extended period of time (my biggest bugbear with conferences in the age of easily-available web video).
Two FediForum events were held in 2023, and it seems likely more are planned. But there seems to be a consensus in this thread that the goals and format of these are quite different from the kind of event we envision.
The other idea that’s come up in the thread is to do monthly online meetups about the fediverse, modelled on the Open Tech Will Save Us events the matrix community were running until Sept 2022.
Would anyone be interested in attending such an event? Either kind, or both?
Assuming there is some interest, some follow-up implementation questions;
Would anyone else be willing to put some time into organising it (edit: I’m keen)?
When would be a good time to do it?
Shall we use a BBB server again, or are there other online conferencing tools that could work better?
Given the massive uptick in mainstream interest, could we get some funding to cover the expenses, and maybe even pay the organisers for some of their work?