Anyone keen on a fediverse conference in 2023/24

From my end, I should state that the next few weeks I can make a push and Id prefer to have clarity ASAP - so that I can wade into different fields and start cold calling, calibrating and coordinating. These initiatives have lags, many lags.

At the moment Im not seeing full clarity from which to work from (objectives; strategies; tactics; division of tasks).
If there is inertia I will take it as morose consent and a ‘blank cheque’ to be as weird and unfettered.

To be absolutely clear, I have overseen numerous conferences and supranational, including EU initiatives
with their own unique legislative articles.

On the other hand, I have presented at high level conferences co-staring ASCII art cows which go ‘moo’ and toy penguins fleeing from marauding Octocats:

If YOU dont collectively volunteer and provide nuanced guidance I may even turn this conference into an Oscars awards for the fediverse, featuring cuddly toys - like something from the Adam and Joe Show:

Am I joking?
Who knows…

Can my attempts the troll the planet be stopped?
You decide!

… And again, it would be great to widen the diversity of the steering committee and I would consider it a starting point for mass communicating to the Fediverse.
Can I get some feedback on this?

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Ive created this thread and done some broad dissemination so that we can widen the talent pool.

I consider the success of this initiative to dependent not only on the diversity of the presenters but also the leadership


I have received some feedback and notes of interest concerning my public appeal for diversity among the leadership for our Fediverse initiative.

In consequence, I have created this post to prepare discussion points while new talent emerges:

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#owencast is designed as a broadcast setup one to meany rather than peer to peer, meany to meany.

Most of our tech has this #stupidindividualism hard-coded from 40 years worshipping the #deathcult

Don’t take this wrong, it’s a balance, that we need to push. It’s not a black and white fight.

  1. Who or what is this not for?

#Owncast is not for video conferencing or any use case where multiple people are wanting to see video of each other. It’s also not a good choice if you have tight real-time requirements, as HLS video has inherent delays.

#BBB is a good choice and is #4opens yes we do have to do manual posting of #AP not a big issue. Maybe we can ask #FOSShost Agen?

I would like to imagine that one day interpreters would become more commonplace as part of online (community) conferences.

Once things are clearer regarding such initiatives I shall be reaching out to some professionals and voluntary groups (in different ways they owe me favours but Guanxi gets a bit complex - providing them a good pitch regarding why we within the Fediverse are worth their volunteering for may take some coaxing).

I have been in any case been putting out feelers with the Librecast community - especially given I had hoped I might tease one leader to join the steering group.

I think in any case it is great the Tallship has been so unambiguous regarding his commitment to implement things for us. Hopefully once we have more ambitious activities such sophisticated setups would be more advantageous.

At the moment, I’m up to my eyeballs in librecast stuff. I can’t commit to this and help to build librecast.

We are aiming to build the kind of system that Hamish thinks would be better. But we are still building the foundations.

You have tallship. Although I do understand that you contacted me, for the more community sides first. :slight_smile:

I can put out feelers, and if I do see someone who would be suitable I will. Although it will also depend on how they are atm as well.


We already have this here, see @well-being… Making an extra ‘private space’ is easy as pie.

:white_check_mark: We can make a dedicated category under Meeting with all new topics wikis. This can help in several ways:

  • more people can participate
  • the steering committee can moderate the category
  • we can have a dedicated calendar for the category that fills up with events.

Sure, a dedicated category can have its own announcement channel. With the new replies support, we can even have public replies!

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I thought Id flag up this new prototype for you given your interest in alternative presentational tools:

Hi all,
We’ll be presenting a paper that I think you folks will find interesting at ACM UIST called Mirrorverse:
Live Tailoring of Video Conferencing Interfaces
this fall.

How can we let users adapt video-based meetings as easily as they rearrange furniture in a physical meeting room? We describe a design space for video conferencing systems that includes a five-step “ladder of tailorability,” from minor adjustments to live reprogramming of the interface. We then present Mirrorverse and show how it applies the principles of computational media to support live tailoring of video conferencing interfaces to accommodate highly diverse meeting situations. We present multiple use scenarios, including a virtual workshop, an online yoga class, and a stand-up team meeting to evaluate the approach and demonstrate its potential for new, remote meetings with fluid transitions across activities.

Here’s the preprint: Mirrorverse: Live Tailoring of Video Conferencing Interfaces - Research - Aarhus University

Here’s the accompanying video:

The code is also available on Github, although its built on our own esoteric systems and language: GitHub - Webstrates/Mirrorverse: Mirrorverse: Live Tailoring of Video Conferencing Interfaces

c/o , room

It seems I’m now unable to edit the discussion context to bring it up-to-date with the monthly meetup proposal, and the fact that the late 2023 FediForum has already happened. Anyone know why that might be? User account permissions changes? Browser/plug-in bugs? @how

I guess you reached the time limit for own post edition. I will lift it.



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I personally prefer offline gatherings, since I already have too much on my plate online; but an online meeting once in a while should be fine.